Providing jobs and growth for Europe

The manufacturing sector in Europe provides employment, directly and indirectly, for 52 million people. Composed primarily of SMEs, it is the backbone of the European economy and a driver for investment and innovation. Manufacturing in Europe faces its own unique challenges and opportunities, shaped by among others growing international competition, the need to transition to a low-carbon economy, and changes in consumer behaviour.

As a whole, the masonry industry has a combined turnover close to €10 billion. It directly employs 100,000 people, and indirectly provides over 300,000 jobs across Europe. Products are locally sourced and produced in 5,000 plants around Europe. The industry provides 2 million homes for European citizens every year. This represents a major contribution to the social development and economic growth of the construction sector in the European Union.

EAACA has members from 18 countries operating more than 100 production sites producing around 16 million m3 of AAC per year. About 350.000 homes can be built from this quantity. EAACA and its members firmly believe that the manufacturing sector forms an integral part of the European economy. In order to overcome these and realise the full potential of the sector, it requires a dedicated long-term industrial strategy.

It is vital to ensure the competitiveness of Europe’s construction sector and its AAC industry in light of the growing need for affordable housing across EU member states. Innovation and growth must be boosted to find cost-optimal solutions for the sector in order to guarantee the benefit of consumers, environment and industry.

Creating a healthy society with affordable housing

Affordable and safe housing is a fundamental social requirement. It is such as basic need that participating in our society without it is effectively not feasible. 

As our population ages, household sizes get smaller and people become less mobile on the housing market, remaining in the same place for longer periods. This leads to a considerable rise in rents and purchase prices for housing in the major urban areas. 

Improving the quality of life and unburdening social care systems

House prices have increased by around 70% since 1995 and rents by more than 30%. As a result, over 12% of the population in the EU spend 40% or more of their income on housing. These societal and demographic changes are a constant challenge for the housing market. Sufficient quantity of affordable and safe housing is therefore a prerequisite for social justice.


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